Commonplace View in Japan

A View in Kanto Plain
     What a sight! But it is typical in Japan. You can see more than 30 high voltage powerpoles in this view, photoed from a Tohoku Shinkansen train running on the Kanto Plain. I wonder we have so many powerpoles in our land that we can hardly see things without powerpoles in Japan. It is ironical that more waste of power, more waste of sceneries. Powerplant being far from the city, more powerpoles would be necessary, losing more power because of limited conductance of lines. What happens if these powerpoles were replaced by generator pinwheels? People complain about bad lookings of pinwheels for scenery, but neither powerpoles are good. People have merely got used to lookings of powerpoles in Japanese seneries.

Another View in Kanto Plain


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